The Floor is hard
The mind; ever in need of reminding that the floor is hard, and the edges are sharp. The pretence of becoming more casts its hollow shadow over what truly is: Our desperate need to become more, only to hide our shame of what we really are.
“You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake.”
You think your effort special when in fact it’s the minimum requirement. You think your adversity extraordinary when in fact what you think difficult isn’t difficult at all. A rehashing of old revelations? But the mind; ever in need of reminding that the floor is hard, and the edges are sharp
You’re wrong. You’ve always been wrong. Your desperate need to become more has been hindered by your lack of perspective, and your selfish ambition. Your muscles can’t save you now, nor can your functional fitness. Confront thyself you coward, and truly come to know.
You are not a mindless sweat angel. Look beyond those shallow conversations, and pay attention to something other than ‘how good your pump feels’. Within you, beyond those shallow conversations, there exists a divine capability unencumbered by ego and hollow ambition. To find it, we must annihilate the unnecessary again, and again. To become more; you must become less.
The mind cannot take the body, it is the body that must take the mind; ever in need of reminding that the floor is hard, and the edges are sharp.
‘The Floor is Hard’
5 Blocks — complete as many as you can
Block 1
800m run
100 push ups
15 muscle ups
30 front squats
Block 2
800m run
90 push ups
30 chin ups
15 atlas ball over shoulder
Block 3
800m run
80 push ups
30 bench presses
30 bent over rows
Block 4
800m run
70 push ups
30 overhead presses
30 upright rows
Block 5
800m run
60 push ups
30 KB swings
30 burpees