Follow the light
It has been some time since I have written anything with substance. I am as much a writer as I am a photographer.
“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” – Ernest Hemingway.
To write has become a labour, rather than an expression. An attempt to subdue the nagging sensation that I ought to produce more content; obviously resulting into shallow and empty words.
Though at last there seems to have been some return to the creative narrative. Some fresh revelation, or a rehasing of old ones.
I am not a photographer. I might have mentioned this already. Often deceived into thinking otherwise by the quality of one's modern smartphone. This nifty device which turns us ordinary men into 'creators'.
But it is when I yield a proper tool that I am reminded of my lack of capability. The inability to navigate the surroundings had never been more evident than inside la cathédral Saint-Pierre in Beauvais.
Though in the midst of my frustration; a single idea presented itself. A sentence by a very well-skilled photographer: "Follow the light."
And there it is. A restoration of the long sought after creativity. A single breadcrumb navigate the dark forest. A thread to lead us from the labyrinth.
To explain this idea beyond an artificial space would be an insult. To prove it's transferability would be a disservice. But to say that it is the action of creativity, and not its result, which yields the greatest revelations would only be true.
What you do doesn't matter. What you pay attention to does.